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Export Dependencies To Kotlin

On completion with using external dependencies, it's possible to export them to Kotlin, if they are compatible.

Exported dependency can be used inside the bridge and the Kotlin app.


If your package doesn't work with the plugin, please create an issue.


The following configuration export to Kotlin the package FirebaseAnalytics which is a ObjC library.

You can try to export a pure Swift library, but only basic ObjC will be available.

swiftPackageConfig {
    create("[cinteropName]") {
                url = URI(""),
                products = {
                    add("FirebaseAnalytics", exportToKotlin = true), // exported
                    add("FirebaseCore") // non-exported
                version = "11.8.0",


A local swift package is being generated during the build and this message diplayed

Spm4Kmp: A local Swift package has been generated at
Please add it to your xcode project as a local package dependency.
Add the folder to your Xcode project as a Local package, that's all.

Note : When updating your configuration, reset the package cache to apply the modification.


import FirebaseAnalytics.FIRConsentStatusGranted

val consentStatusGranted = FIRConsentStatusGranted


The bridge can remain empty as we don't need it; we only want to use the exported product.