Use External Dependencies
On completion with the basic configuration, it's possible to use external dependency with your bridge.
The Plug-in reproduces the CocoaPods plugin behavior with the same kind of issues about third-party dependency but less intrusively.
If your package doesn't work with the plugin, please create an issue.
The following configuration imports the package CryptoSwift which is a pure Swift library, that can't be used directly in Kotlin.
swiftPackageConfig {
create("[cinteropName]") {
url = URI(""),
products = {
version = "1.8.4",
A local swift package is being generated during the build and this message diplayed
Spm4Kmp: A local Swift package has been generated at
Please add it to your xcode project as a local package dependency.
Note : When updating your configuration, reset the package cache to apply the modification.
Make your Swift code compatible with Kotlin.
Your Swift code needs to be marked as @objc/@objcMembers and the visibility set as public
or it won't be exported and available from your Kotlin code.
import Foundation
import CryptoSwift
@objcMembers public class MySwiftBridge: NSObject {
public func toMD5(value: String) -> String {
return value.md5()
import [cinteropname].MySwiftBridge
val contentFromSwift = MySwiftBridge().toMD5(value = "someString")
Supported Dependency Sources
The plugin supports the following configurations :
The xcFramework are used for Local/Remote Binary, learn more.
An example is available.